SAM PuttStudio Applications
SAM PuttStudio works with flat or inclined surfaces and can be paired with a tilting platform for advanced, feedback-driven break putt analysis and training.

Flat putting surface
On a flat putting surface, the ball tracking and projection technology of SAM PuttStudio add a complete ball roll analysis and visual feedback to your training sessions. Live feedback, visual cues, multiple and virtual targets, or sophisticated self-running drill protocols help you to bring your putting skills to the highest level. Easy to play (and hard to master) games are included to compete with your friends.

Inclined surface
The combination of SAM PuttStudio with an inclined putting surface opens up the world of unprecedented break-putt analysis and training. Live aim, ideal aim, ideal path and speed, or putting corridors; the ingenious feedback makes it easy to understand the critical interdependency of face angle and speed on any breaking putt.

Tilting platform
SAM PuttStudio and a tilting platform extend the abilities to the ultimate level. Break & pitch can be adjusted within seconds to practice any slope like outside on the golf course. All the displayed feedback will adjust automatically to systematically improve your reading abilities on breaking putts. Comprehensive putting combine tests check your performance for a variety of distances and slopes. Specific break putt games combine learning and fun.